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  • Carlos

    June 10, 2024 at 10:37 am

    Hey Joe, thanks for replying and for answering my questions. I was able to make more progress yesterday. Right now, I am not being very productive because it’s been a learning curve for me. I guess I’ll work a little faster as I advance. Some things a learned so far:

    01. The locking system is VERY FRAGILE. I accidentally damaged a couple of grooves yesterday as I was tapping the planks.

    02. It takes a few taps to put the planks really close together. I notice sometimes there’s an almost invisible gap, probably 1/32 or 1/64 that will close if I tap further.

    03. In reference to #2, when I measured my 10-plank width, I did not tap with the tapping block, so I guess my 10-plank might be off by 1/8″, which means by the end of the other side of the house I might be off by around 1/2″. Fingers crossed.

    04. I am putting the pad as I go and it really works better this was as you suggested.

    05. I used the cheater boad to cut around and into the closet and it worked really well.

    Thanks Joe