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  • Carlos

    May 28, 2024 at 10:12 pm

    HI Joe, thanks for replying. Yes, I agree with the starting point being Bedroom #1 (upper left corner of my floorplan). I draw some planks in that room just to show you the direction I wanted them to be. I’m ready to start. I have several questions, I will list them below:

    01. Measurements were taken wall to wall. Do you need me to take from the framing? The house currently has no baseboards.

    02. I’ll be using underlayment. Should I put underlayment in the whole floor first? Or as I go?

    03. Do you need me to post the width of 10 planks as you showed in one of your videos? I will be using LIFEPROOF, I will take a picture of the four sides and post them here.

    04. Are stairs a separate job or do I have to do them in sequence? Once I finish the upper fllor, can I move to the next and do the stairs at the end?

    05. What tools will I need? I understand I will need a tapping block and a pull bar, I’d appreciate if you could provide a few links. Or should I just go ahead and purchase the ones you recommend in your website?

    Thanks. Can’t wait to start. Please let me know if you need any additional info.