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  • Scott

    April 5, 2021 at 5:03 pm

    Thank you for you response. I was forming a reply while watching your videos and lost the reply. So, I will start again.

    Please see attached floor plan. I use sketch up 2017. It is free and you can do much much more with it. I could actually design my whole house with layers and show 2×4’s in internal walls if I wanted to do that. I used it to design a simple 8×8 shed with a lean-to roof, but I haven’t actually built the shed yet. HOA part is hard to get around. I need permits, and approval from HOA with proper drainage drawings.

    Anyway, back to the floor. I have seen probably 80% or more of all of your videos on youtube. I think I got the stairs now, but will ask more when I get to the install. For now, I am going to order the laminate and plan on some dates to get in here and knock it all out.

    I still think it will be easier starting in the Living Room. My diagram does not show the fireplace. It is located at the bottom of the picture to the left of the doorway. If I started in the kitchen, I would have to do the fireplace and one angle backwards. If I start in the living room, I will only need to do 2 angles backwards in the kitchen. But if you still think it is easier in the kitchen start, I will do that. You said it was a toss up, so I am thinking living room, but I will definitely follow your guide.

    That totally makes sense on the gas valve. I knew I was going to need to use a hole saw, but didn’t think about putting the seam there. That will make that much easier.

    I do not want to use any quarter round. I am doing all new baseboards. I probably won’t contact you until I am finally into the project. It will be a couple of weeks. Thanks again for you help. I am sure I will run into more stuff I will need some help on.