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  • john4

    June 10, 2023 at 5:25 pm

    Hey Joe,

    Thanks for the blueprint…hoping to get going on it next week.

    Ran into something on demo I wanted to get your thoughts on. Turns out my kitchen flooring was glued in. It’s some kind of an oak laminate system I haven’t encountered before. The glue is holding firm so the flooring wants to come up in little chunks and there is still a fair amount of glue residue left behind.

    Debating if I should battle with breaking it all out and trying to scrape it down or if I should just bust out the saw and cut through the chipboard under it to take it out in bigger chunks. Chipboard appears to be screwed down every foot or so (at least it isn’t stapled…been there done that). I’m guessing I would have to replace maybe 3 sheets worth of chipboard if I went that route.
