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Activity Feed Forums General Installing in the “stove” area.

  • Installing in the “stove” area.

    Posted by Ed on March 9, 2021 at 10:49 am

    Hi All, first post as I kicked off the install last weekend. Joe did a GREAT job of getting me started and was very patient. I’ll probably post again sometime this week with another question, but we are at a point where we are installing in the Kitchen and specifically trying to figure out how to install in the “stove” are. Probably a very familiar question. We live in a rural area so no fancy moving equipment available for rent. Stove is 36″ wide by 26″ deep. I’ve only got two ideas.

    1) Shimmy the stove out, maneuver it onto a very padded plank out of the install area and then slide back once floor is done.

    2) Install half the flooring in front of the stove, slide the stove out onto a padded surface over the newly installed floor install the remainder of the floor into the stove opening* and then slide the stove back.

    * my boards are (“drop & lock) long end first and then the ends. I am worried I will not have enough flexibility in the boards to lock in the ends. Attached are a couple of photos with a mockup of approx where the boards will lay out along with how I would begin laying boards in front the stove moving towards the stove opening as in option 2 described.

    any other ideas, suggestions or comments.

    Joe replied 3 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Joe

    March 9, 2021 at 4:46 pm

    I wouldI would just move the stove completely out of the way. You can always use two sheets of underlayment protect the floor like to four by four sheets then you can just move the stove on one sheet to another just keep moving the other sheet to protect the floor as you move it

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