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  • Lee

    August 25, 2021 at 7:09 pm

    Hi Joe,

    1. Yes, we are ending the plank where you drew the line at the hallway to the laundry room. We are also ending the plank at the doorway to the Master Bathroom.

    2. Sorry for the confusion! We had the mobile home releveled. The mobile home sits on piers and they settle over time. The home was out of level and we needed it releveled before we did any other construction.

    3. Thanks for the Henrys 549 tip!

    4. Which sides of the plank are the tongue and groove on? If you are holding the plank vertically, the top and right side are on top and the bottom and left side are on the bottom. The first way you drew it in the video. See the attached picture.

    5. Which direction are we orienting the planks? East and West. Oriented along the length of the mobile home.

    I am really glad that I found you! I will feel much more comfortable tackling this job with your tutelage.

    Thanks Joe!