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  • noreply15801

    October 12, 2023 at 2:44 pm

    Hello again. After a few unexpected issues and delays, I finally have my flooring and am getting ready to start on installation. To recap, all the old floors are removed, and new cabinet/kitchen layout has been completed. I just need to clean and patch some tearouts on the subfloor.

    I ended up going with Nakan Craftsman – Flooret

    Based on our previous talk, I am planning to start in the doorway by the kitchen; although, we haven’t yet done a formal review because I wasn’t ready.

    I need to refresh myself with some of the courses, because it’s been a while, but I’m a little unclear about how to handle staggering planks in narrow passages (such as hallways or between cabinets). When a larger room comes to a smaller area, do you treat the smaller space as if it’s a full space, or pretend like the planks align where they would have if the larger space wasn’t cut off? I don’t know if I explained that well, but it seems like there will be a lot of short planks, without a lot of stability, when it comes to narrow passages.