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  • Dan

    August 15, 2023 at 7:32 pm

    Thanks for the response Joe!

    I did a quick walk through ( and posted some pictures, so hopefully that gives you a good feel for the house.

    As far as the direction of the plank, I wouldn’t say I have a strong preference. My wife and I liked the idea you suggested of east/west, but let me know if you think differently after seeing the video/pictures. There are a lot of opportunities to run the plank between rooms (living room/kitchen and dining room/office), so that might be a good look.

    One additional thing I’d like to get your insight on as well: Do you have any ideas as to how I could phase the work? I’ll probably be doing most of the work myself, taking a few days off my job and working weekends etc. I was trying to figure out the best strategy for phasing, so we can still live here while I work through the project, and I’m not being too disruptive for my wife and baby. Whatever suggestions you have would certainly be appreciated.

    Thanks so much for all your help!
