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  • Posted by Raymond on January 21, 2022 at 12:12 am

    Hello Joe.

    I was wondering what I should use for a straight edge to check for low an high spots. I currently thinking of renting a 8-10′ screed from a local hardware store to use. What would you recommend to use and what length?

    <div>Attached is the requested drawing. I will be installing luxury vinyl plank through out the entire house. The product is Dahlonega Peak Luxury Vinyl Plank – Foam Back by DuraLux. If possible, I will be removing the existing carpet and tile as needed. If it is recommended, I can plan on removing that all before starting to lay the plank. I will need to at least keep one bathroom in working order during this project.</div><div>

    I already have 70 boxes of the plank waiting to be installed. I still have yet to get any additional tools or materials for the install. I do not have a jigsaw nor circular currently to cut the plank. The only tool currently at my disposal for such a task is a utility knife. This project would make a good excuse to get something to make things easier to cut the plank.

    As for the underlayment, I am currently planning on picking up the most basic plastic type. This is a single story home with a concrete slab in Phoenix, AZ.

    At this time, I cannot think of any other questions. I’m looking forward to your advice on this project as well as any recommended tools. I know of a few tools that I plan on getting based on a couple of your videos I’ve watched so far.

    Thank you for your time,



    Raymond replied 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Joe

    January 21, 2022 at 8:40 am

    Welcome Raymond! I use a 2x4x8 when screeding large areas. I also use a 6 ft straight edge or level when finding low spots and humps.

    I like to usr a jigsaw for my long cuts and a utility knife for the short cuts.

    Here is a video I would like you to watch for me –

  • Raymond

    January 25, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    Hi Joe,

    I’m not sure which way side is the tongue/grove so I’m attaching a picture of it. In the picture, I m guessing that the groove is the left side while the top and right are the tongue.

    After watching the videos, I would like to in install the planks North to South. Also, I’m currently working on removing all of the carpet and tile before we start installing plank.

    Is there any additional information that I forgot to provide that is needed?

    Thank you,


  • Joe

    January 26, 2022 at 5:27 am

    Thanks Ray, I put you on the schedule and I will have this to you by Monday. I am having technical difficulties this week and it has slowed down my ability to get blueprints done. I am still moving forward with them , but it has been slow. I will be back in the office on Monday and will get this to you by then, if not sooner. Thanks for being patient!

  • Joe

    January 31, 2022 at 2:24 pm

    Here is your blueprint –

    • Raymond

      February 22, 2022 at 8:12 pm

      Hi Joe and thank you for all of your help and insight so far. We are still working on demo at this time and after reviewing the video of the blueprint, I have yet another question. Are going to be doing some remodeling in our master bathroom, north west corner, and I’m wondering how were we could stop installing the plank at when we get closer to that room.

      I guessing that we would either install plank as close to the west wall as possible. Then secure the closest to the west wall and finish out the room going east. I’m guessing that we would then secure the plank on the east wall until we complete the master bathroom. Or, we could stop the plank in the doorway to the master bedroom and finish out the rest house. Then come back and finish once we are ready to.

      Any guidance you can provide here would greatly be appreciated.

  • Joe

    February 23, 2022 at 8:42 am
  • Raymond

    February 23, 2022 at 3:57 pm

    Awesome and thank you for the quick reply.

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